Critical Illness Insurance reduces the financial impact of major illness, such as a heart attack, stroke, or cancer by paying a lump sum benefit directly to you upon confirmed diagnosis.
Accident Insurance pays benefits directly to you if you suffer a covered injury such as fracture, burn, ligament damage, or concussion and helps with out of pocket costs for Emergency Department, Urgent Care, Ambulance and more.
Hospital Indemnity pays benefits directly to you if you are admitted into a hospital, including childbirth.
Permanent Life Insurance complements your group term life and is intended for longer term needs and final expenses.
Disability insurance pays a benefit should you become hurt or sick and unable to work. Benefits may be used any way you choose- mortgage, rent, car payments, etc.
Gain peace of mind knowing that good legal help is within reach with many items, like will preparation, covered at no additional cost.
Pet Insurance helps cover many of the out of pocket expenses incurred when treating your pet including x-rays, prescriptions and more. May be used at any Vet.
Provides help overcoming financial challenges, so you can focus on things that matter. Student loan experts customize a plan for you at no cost. Then, decide to hire Fiducius (fees apply), or pursue the plan on your own.
Protect your possessions so you’re not surprised by coverage gaps or unexpected costs.
Take the stress out of combating identity theft and related fraud.